A DPIA is a Data Protection Impact Assessment, a mandatory process for organizations to comply with GDPR, CPRA, and other data protection laws worldwide. This process is designed to help an organization analyze any potential risks to data protection.

This has never been more important, with many countries and regions adopting data privacy laws and standards. Showing that you are accountable for data protection in your organization falls under article 29 of GDPR.

A PIA is slightly different from a DPIA and is a process used to evaluate a project or system’s potential privacy risks and determine how to mitigate those risks. It is typically conducted before developing or implementing a new system or introducing a new policy or procedure.

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Keeping You Compliant

When you compare a DPIA to a PIA, you’ll find that a PIA needs to be done anytime something changes whereas a DPIA focuses on an on-going process.

At privacy24, we offer both PIA and DPIA services to make this entire process easier for you. By outsourcing this service, you can ensure that you are analyzing any collection of data and reducing the potential risks involved.

Data privacy should be one of your top priorities and our PIA and DPIA services will help you to remain compliant. Get in touch today to find out how we can help.

Key Benefits of PIA and DPIA

PIA helps to protect privacy when processes change

DPIA protects on a regular basis and mitigates risks

Rely on expert advice from experienced GDPR consultants

Easily identify measures to mitigate risks

A cost-effective solution for ongoing DPIAs


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Performing a DPIA is a complex process that requires time and expertise. If you do not have a dedicated Data Protection Officer, this can significantly impact operational resources.

Some critical elements of the process include identifying the need for the DPIA, describing the processing, assessing the necessity, and identifying risks. You will also want to identify any measures that will help to mitigate the risks. Outsourcing this could be a cost-effective and efficient method for completing the DPIA.

Our Privacy24 outsourced DPO service has successfully negotiated with many clients, like yourself, through these assessments. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help. [Call to action button]

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